15-3athena ssrose

Moving to GitHub

It’s done now. Today I got the time to create a GitHub account and export all GoogleCode SVNs to GitHub. This means also: Development can continue as before.

Please note:

  • The GoogleCode Pages will get no more updates. This also means there will be no more SVN commits on this pages.
  • As the name sais, GitHub uses Git-version control. So you can help with development by creating pull requests if you want to.
  • As long as you only want to use the latest versions of my software you can use your SVN program to get the updates. However it’s recommended to change to a Git program if you want to use all features of Git version control.

The new Links are:

15-3athena General ssrose

Google Code shutting down

Some of you will have noticed it allready: Google Code will be shutting down in near future. I’ve got a mail from Google yesterday where they told this. So what to do now?

Google added a “export to GitHub” function to Google Code to export all projects directly to GitHub. So this will be the next step here. After all projects are exported I’ll only update the GitHub page so there will be no more updates in Google Code SVN anymore.

This also means: Before doing any development on SVNs I’ll create a GitHub account and export them. It’s pointless to update the SVNs like they are right now. This will only increase the data to export.


[german] Junkers FD-Rechner


Leider musste ich vor kurzem feststellen, dass Junkers seine FDs seit dem 01.01.2014 anders berechnet. Das bedeutet, dass der Junkers FD-Rechner in der aktuellen Version nur FDs bis zum 31.12.2013 korrekt berechnet. Alle neueren FDs werden derzeit nicht korrekt berechnet.

Ein Update des Rechners ist bereits in Planung. Dieser wird dann nichtnur die Unterstützung der neueren FDs ergänzen. Es wird auch eine Unterstützung für 4- (und evtl. auch 5-) stellige FDs geben. Außerdem ist mittelfristig auch der Beginn einer Android-App-Entwicklung geplant.

Seit also gespannt! 😉

General roscript

Clean-up ~

Today I did some cleanup in the forum and some of the sql-databases. Now I’m thinking of closing the forum (…again). Since I got this blog now where everybody can comment my posts and projects directly I don’t see any reason to keep the forum online.

Even more I’m thinking about making different forums (if needed) for different projects. So I’ll maybe start with the 15-3athena project. This is currently the most active project and is the biggest one, too.

The other (smaller) projects will stay with the blog-comment function for now. Currently the forum will stay as it is since some of my older projects still haven’t been moved into this blog.

So~ last words: I’ve done some work with the Sunshine RO-Script project. I’ve deleted some unneeded stuff in there. However, since I only deleted unneeded stuff there was no release today. This change will be applied on the next release.


15-3athena update

Hey all!

I want you to notice that I’ve updated the 15-3athena SVN to Rev. 16.
There are many changes done, including some internal fixes and updates for 3rd job support, new items, some skills, command system…
The default client was updated, too.
There are to many changes, so I’ll not write all of them here. Just take a look on google code to see all changes!

Currently I’m focust on coding in support for the 3rd class skills. Important new features and pre-coding for new skills and statuses is done for now. Also I’m working on fixing some things with the 2013-12-23ragexe client to complete the support. It’s working really nice allready but there are still some issues (feeding homunculus, new vending functions, PM system…).



Today I’ve updated Sunshine RO-Script to Version 0.16. Changes are:

  • added more constants
  • added some missing script commands
  • added missing Event Labels
  • bugfixes

You can get the latest version here: Sunshine RO-Script project page


RO-Script Update

Today I’ve updated Sunshine RO-Script to Version 0.14. Changes are:

  • some bugfixes
  • some new constants
  • some new items / monsters.

You can get the latest version here: Sunshine RO-Script project page


Services for Germany & 15-3athena update

Hey all!

First I want you to notice that I’ve updated the 15-3athena SVN to Rev. 5.
There are many changes done, including some internal fixes and updates for 3rd job support, new items, mounts, mutanted homunculus…
The eAthena base Rev. was updated, too.
There are to many changes, so I’ll not write all of them here. Just take a look on google code to see all changes!

Next step here will be some changes on the classic eAthena cast-system to allow fixed cast-times in renewal-style for the 3rd class skills. By adding this system, I’ll have to add the first 3rd class skills, too (since I’ll need to test the cast system…).

(only for germany)

Vielleicht haben es einige schon gesehen. Für die anderen der kurze Hinweis auf die Liste meiner Services: Service

Bei Interesse, meldet euch einfach über das Kontakt-Formular.


another 15cp update

Hey all!

Today I’ve updated 15cp download-version to V.0.08.
Here are the changes of this version:

-Updated style.css
-Added Download Page link to navigation bar & configutation file.
-Added Forum link to navigation bar & configutation file.
-Added related functions so Login / Logout are now working

Since login and logout are now working, one of the next steps will be to add support for register function. So there will be a register page and a rules- page later, too. Before coding these pages, i’ll have to complete the “Home” page. So there is a lot of work to do… Allright, let’s do this!

Here you can get the latest version: SVN|Project page


[german] Es ist Zeit für ein Projekt

Hey Leute!

Heute wende ich mich mal auf deutsch an euch, da besagtes Projekt (erstmal) nur auf deutsch verfügbar sein wird. Ich habe mich dazu entschlossen, mal wieder ein Spiel zu entwickeln. Das Spiel basiert auf einer Story, die Izuna12 vor einiger Zeit mal geschrieben hat. Worum es dabei geht, verrate ich natürlich erstmal nicht genauer, dazu später mehr (in Form einer Demo,
vielleicht… ).

Nun, das wollte ich erstmal los werden. Zum Schluss noch ein paar kleine Vorschaubilder, um das Warten auf News etwas zu versüßen: